Encyclopedia of political communication

Encyclopedia of political communication

Sage Publications., Holtz-Bacha, Christina, Kaid, Lynda Lee
AARP -- Abdullah II (1962- ) -- Abortion -- Adenauer, Konrad (1876-1967) -- Advocacy Advertising -- Ad Watch -- Affirmative Action -- AFL-CIO -- Agenda Building -- Agenda Melding -- Agenda Setting -- Aging and Politics -- Agnew, Spiro (1918-1996) -- Ailes, Roger (1940- ) -- Al-Asad, Hafiz (1930-2000) -- Alfonsin, Raul (1927- ) -- Al Jazeera Television -- Allende, Salvador (1908-1973) -- All The President's Men -- Al-Sadat, Anwar (1918-1981) -- Alternative Media in Politics -- American Association of Political Consultants -- American Association of Retired Persons -- Americanization -- American-Style Campaigning -- American Voter, the -- Apartheid -- Apathy, Voter -- Apologia -- Arafat, Yasser (1929-2004) -- Arendt, Hannah -- Argentina Democratization Process, Role of the Media -- Argumentation, Political -- Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) -- Attack Advertising -- Authoritarianism -- Aznar, Jose Maria (1953- ) -- Bachelet Jeria, Michelle (1951- ) -- Ballot Initiatives -- Banner Ads -- Ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine (1936- ) -- Bennett, W. Lance -- Berlusconi, Silvio (1936- ) -- Bernstein, Carl -- Biased Assimilation -- Big-Character Posters, China -- Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act -- Blair, Tony (1953- ) -- Blogs, Blogging -- Blumler, Jay G. (1924- ) -- Bork, Robert -- Bormann, Ernest G. (1926- ) -- Bouteflika, Abdelaziz (1937- ) -- Bowling Alone -- Brady, James -- Brandt, Willy (1913-1992) -- Brazil, Media and the Political System -- Broder, David (1929- ) -- Buchanan, Patrick (1938- ) -- Buckley V. Valeo -- Bulgaria, Democratization -- Burke, Kenneth -- Bush, George H.W. (1924- ) -- Bush, George W. (1946- ) -- Bush, Laura (1946- ) -- Bush-Rather Confrontation -- Campaign Finance -- Campaigns & Elections Magazine -- Candidate, the -- Candidate-Centered Communication -- Candidate Films, Biographical -- Candidates and Their Images -- Canvassing -- Cardoso, Fernando Henrique (1931- ) -- Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics -- Cartoons, Political -- Carville, James (1944- ) -- Castro, Fidel (1926/1927- ) -- Celebrities in Politics -- Censorship, Political -- Center for the Study of the American Electorate -- Chaffee, Steven H. (1935-2001) -- Chappaquiddick -- Chavez, Cesar -- Chávez, Hugo (1954- ) -- Chechen Conflict, Russian -- Checkers Speech -- China, Media and Politics in -- Chinese Cultural Revolution -- Chirac, Jacques (1932- ) -- Chisholm, Shirley (1924-2005) -- Christian, George -- Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965) -- Cicero -- Citizen Journalism -- Citizen Kane -- Civic Engagement -- Civic Journalism -- Civil Rights Movement -- Clinton, Hillary Rodham (1947- ) -- Clinton, William Jefferson (1946- ) -- CNN (Cable News Network) -- Coburg-Gotha, Simeon Saxe (1937- ) -- Collor De Mello, Fernando (1949- ) -- Comejo, Peter -- Commander in Chief -- Daily Show, the -- Daisy Girl Ad -- Dealignment -- Dean, Howard (1948- ) -- Debates -- Debatewatch -- Deciding What's News -- Defamation of Character -- De Gaulle, Charles (1890-1970) -- Deliberation -- Deliberative Democracy -- Demirel, Suleyman (1924- ) -- Democracy Theories -- Democratic Engagement -- Democratic National Committee -- Democratic Party -- Democratization, Role of the Media in -- Demography -- Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) -- Denton, Robert E., Jr. (1953- ) -- Dependency Theory, Media -- Dewey, John -- Diffusion of Innovations -- Digital Divide -- Direct Action Protest, Australia -- Direct Democracy -- Direct Mail -- Dole, Elizabeth (1936- ) -- Dole, Robert (1923- ) -- Donsbach, Wolfgang (1949- ) -- Downs, Anthony -- Dramatistic Approaches to Political Communication -- Dukakis, Michael (1933- ) -- Eagleton, Thomas -- Ecevit, Bulent (1925-2006) -- Economic Theory of Democracy, an -- Edelman, Murray (1919-2001) -- Editorials -- Effects of Mass Communication, The -- E-Government -- Eisenhower, Dwight D. (1890-1969) -- Electoral Systems -- E-Mail, Political Uses -- Embedded Journalists -- Endorsements, Political -- Entman, Robert (1949- ) -- Equal Time Provision -- Erdogan, Recep Tayyip (1954- ) -- Eurobarometer -- European Association of Political Consultants -- European Commission -- European Convention on Human Rights -- European Court of Justice -- European Parliament -- European Parliamentary Elections -- European Union -- European Union, Media Policy -- E-Voting -- Experimental Studies -- Face-to-Face Communication -- Fahrenheit 9/11 -- Fairness Doctrine -- Falklands-Malvinas War -- Fantasy Theme Analysis -- Fear Appeals, Use in Politics -- Federal Communications Commission -- Federal Election Campaign Act -- Federal Election Commission -- Federal Trade Commission -- Feminine Style in Communication -- Feminist Movement -- Feminist Theory -- Ferraro, Geraldine (1935-- ) -- Film and Politics -- Fireside Chats -- First Amendment -- First Ladies, Political Communication of -- Fitzwater, Marlin -- Fleischer, Ari (1960-- ) -- Focus Groups -- Ford, Betty (1918-- ) -- Ford, Gerald (1913-2006) -- Four Theories of the Press -- Fourth Estate, Media as -- Fox, Vicente (1942-- ) -- Fox News -- Framing -- Franken, Al (1951-- ) -- Free Airtime -- Freedom Forum Media Studies Center -- Freedom of Information -- Freedom of Information Act -- Freedom of the Press -- Fundraising -- Gallup Polls -- Gandhi, Indira (1917-1984) -- Gatekeeping -- Gender and Politics -- Gender Gap -- Gerbner, George (1919-2005) -- German Unification, Role of the Media -- Gingrich, Newt (1943-- ) -- Giscard D'Estaing, Valery (1926-- ) -- Giuliani, Rudy (1944-- ) -- Glasgow Media Group -- Glasnost -- Globalization -- Goebbels, Joseph (1897-1945) -- Goffman, Erving -- Goldwater, Barry (1909-1998) -- Gonzalez Marquez, Felipe (1942-- ) -- Gorbachev, Mikhail (1931-- ) -- Gore, Albert (1948-- ) -- Government Communication -- Graber, Doris A. (1923-- ) -- Graduate School of Political Management -- Graham, Katherine -- Grassroots Campaigning -- Great Debates, the -- Greeley, Horace (1811-1872) -- Green Party -- Group Decision Making, Political -- Groupthink in Politics -- Guggenheim, Charles (1924-2002) -- Gulf War, Media Coverage of -- Gurevitch, Michael -- Habermas, Jurgen -- Hagerty, James C. -- Haider, Jorg (1950-- ) -- Hallin, Daniel C. (1953-- ) -- Handbook of Political Communication, the -- Hanson, Pauline (1954-- ) -- Hard Money -- Hard News -- Harris, Fred (1930-- ) -- Hart, Gary (1936-- ) -- Hart, Roderick P. (1945-- ) -- Hassan II, King (1929-1999) -- Hate Speech -- Havel, Vaclav (1936-- ) -- Hearst, William Randolph (1863-1951) -- Helsinki Process -- Heuristics in Political Decision Making -- Hill, Anita -- Hill-Thomas Hearings -- Hitler, Adolf (1889-1945) -- Holtz-Bacha, Christina (1953-- ) -- Hong Kong Handover -- Horserace Coverage -- Horton, Willie -- Hostile Media Effect -- Humor in Politics -- Humphrey, Hubert H. (1911-1978) -- Hungary, Communication and Politics -- Hussein I, King (1935-1999) -- Ideology -- Image, Political -- Image, the -- Impression Management -- Inaugural Addresses, Presidential -- Incumbent, Incumbency -- Indexing Theory -- Information, Political -- Information Flow, Global -- Information Society -- Information Technology in Politics -- Infotainment -- Inoculation, Political -- Intercultural Communication, Dimensions -- Interest Groups in Politics -- Internet in Politics -- Interpersonal Communication -- Iowa Caucuses -- Iraq War, Media Coverage of -- Isocrates -- Issue Management -- Issue Ownership -- Issues, Policy -- Issues in Campaigns -- Jackson, Jesse (1941-- ) -- Jamieson, Kathleen Hall (1946-- ) -- Johnson, Lyndon B. (1908-1973) -- Jordan, Barbara (1936-1996) -- Journalism, Political -- Kaid, Lynda Lee (1948-- ) -- Kapital, Das -- Katz, Elihu (1926-- ) -- Kekkonen, Urho (1900-1986) -- Kennedy, Edward (Ted) (1932-- ) -- Kennedy, Jacqueline -- Kennedy, John F. (1917-1963) -- Kennedy, Robert F. (1925-1968) -- Kennedy Assassination -- Kenyatta, Jomo (1890-1978) -- Kepplinger, Hans Mathias (1943-- ) -- Kerry, John (1943-- ) -- Khrushchev, Nikita (1894-1971) -- Kibaki, Mwai (1931-- ) -- Kids Voting USA -- King, Martin Luther, Jr. (1929-1968) -- King Assassination -- Klapper, Joseph (1917-1984) -- Knowledge Gap -- Kohl, Helmut (1930-- ) -- Kraus, Sidney (1927-- ) -- Kreisky, Bruno (1970-1983) -- Kwasniewski, Aleksander (1954-- ) -- Labour Party, Britain -- Laduke, Winona -- Lamb, Brian -- Lang, Gladys Engel (1919-- ) -- Lang, Kurt (1924-- ) -- Language and Politics -- Lasswell, Harold (1902-1978) -- Late Night Talk Shows -- Latinos and Politics, Media -- Lazarsfeld, Paul F. (1901-1976) -- Lehrer, Jim (1934-- ) -- Lenin, Vladímir I. (1870-1924) -- Le Pen, Jean-Marie (1928-- ) -- Letters to the Editor -- Lewinsky, Monica (1973-- ) -- Libel -- Libertarian Party -- Limbaugh, Rush (1951-- ) -- Limited Effects Theory -- Lippmann, Walter (1889-1974) -- Lobbying, Lobbyist -- Loukanov, Andrey (1938-1996).;v. 1. A-L -- v. 2. M-Z.;Discusses the major theoretical approaches to the field, including direct and limited effects theories, agenda-setting theories, sociological theories, framing and priming theories, and other past and present conceptualizations. Focuses on important political messages such as political speeches, televised political advertising, political posters and print advertising, televised political debates, and Internet sites.;Machiavelli, Niccolo (1469-1527) -- Malcolm X -- Mancini, Paolo (1948- ) -- Mandela, Nelson (1918- ) -- Mandelson, Peter (1953- ) -- Mao Zedong (1893-1976) -- Marx, Karl (1818-1883) -- Mass Nonviolent Protest, Australia -- Mass Political Behavior -- Matalin, Mary (1953- ) -- Matching Funds -- Mazzoleni, Gianpietro (1946- ) -- Mccain, John (1936- ) -- McCarthy, Joseph -- McCarthy Hearings -- McClellan, Scott -- McCombs, Maxwell (1938- ) -- McConnell, Mitchell -- McConnell V. Federal Election Commission -- McCurry, Michael -- McGovern, George (1922- ) -- McGovern Library and Center for Public Service and Leadership -- McLuhan, Marshall (1911-1980) -- McQuail, Denis (1935- ) -- Media Bias -- Media Buying in Politics -- Media Consultants -- Media Events -- Media Feeding Frenzy -- Media Logic -- Mediated Political Realities -- Mediatization -- Medium is the Massage, the -- Medium Theory -- Meir, Golda (1898-1978) -- Memory Congeniality Effect -- Menem, Carlos (1930- ) -- Merkel, Angela (1954- ) -- Metacoverage -- Methodology -- Milton, John -- Minimum Effects Theory -- Minorities, Role in Politics -- Mitsotakis, Konstantinos -- Mitterrand, Francois (1916-1996) -- Modernization -- Mohammed VI (1963- ) -- Moi, Daniel Arap (1924- ) -- Morales, Evo (1959- ) -- Moseley Braun, Carol (1947- ) -- Motivated Reasoning -- Moyers, William (Bill) (1934- ) -- MTV Rock the Vote -- Mubarak, Hosni (1928- ) -- Muckrakers, Muckraking -- Muhammed Cartoon Events -- Murrow, Edward R. (1908-1965) -- Music and Politics -- Muskie, Edmund (1914-1996) -- Myers, Dee Dee -- NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) -- Nader, Ralph (1934- ) -- Napolitan, Joseph -- Nasser, Gamal Abdel (1918-1970) -- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) -- National Association of Broadcasters -- National Public Radio (NPR) -- Nature of Prejudice, the -- Negative Advertising -- Negative Campaigning -- Negativity in News -- New Media Technologies -- New Right -- News: The Politics of Illusion -- News Coverage, Politics -- News Magazines -- News Management -- Newspapers, Role in Politics -- News Selection Process -- New York Times, the -- Nightline -- Nimmo, Dan (1933-2004) -- Nixon, Richard M. (1913-1994) -- Noelle-Neumann, Elisabeth (1916- ) -- Norris, Pippa -- Nyerere, Julius (1922-1999) -- Obama, Barack (1961- ) -- Obscenity and Pornography -- Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy (1929-1994) -- Op-Ed Piece -- Opinion Leaders -- O'Reilly, Bill (1942- ) -- Orientation, Need For -- Oswald, Lee Harvey -- Ownership of Media Outlets -- PAC -- Pack Journalism -- Paid Media -- Palestine Liberation Organization -- Paletz, David -- Palme, Olof (1927-1986) -- Papandreou, Andreas (1919-1996) -- Parasocial Relationships in Politics -- Participation, Political -- Party Election Broadcasts -- Party Identification -- Party Press -- Patterson, Thomas -- PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) -- Pentagon Papers, the -- People's Choice, the -- Peron, Juan (1895-1974) -- Peron, Maria Eva Duarte de (1919-1952) -- Perot, Ross (1930- ) -- Personal Campaigning -- Personal Influence -- Personalization of Politics -- Persuasion, Political -- Pew Internet & American Life Project -- Pew Research Center for the People & the Press -- Pharisee Effect -- Plato -- Pluralistic Ignorance -- Poland, Democratization -- Political Action Committees (PACS) -- Political Advertising -- Political Advertising, Independent -- Political Advertising, Radio -- Political Advertising, Women Candidates -- Political Alienation -- Political Ballads, Songs -- Political Branding -- Political Campaign Communication -- Political Commercial Archive -- Political Communication -- Political Communication Center -- Political Communication Review -- Political Conflict -- Political Consultants -- Political Correctness -- Political Corruption -- Political Culture -- Political Cynicism -- Political Disaffection -- Political Efficacy -- Political Engagement -- Political Information -- Political Information Efficacy -- Political Information Processing -- Political Involvement -- Political Knowledge -- Political Leadership -- Political Marketing -- Political Parties -- Political Prisoners -- Political Satire -- Political Scandal -- Political Socialization -- Political Spin -- Political Trust -- Politics, Policy, Polity -- Politics, the -- Polls -- Pooled Journalism -- Populism -- Posters, Political -- Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, the -- Presidential Communication -- Press and Politics -- Press Conferences -- Press Freedom -- Press Law of 1766, Sweden -- Press Secretary, White House -- Press Theories -- Primaries -- Priming -- Prince, the -- Processing the News -- Professionalization -- Pro-Life Movement -- Propaganda -- Proportional Representation -- Propositions -- Protests, Political -- Pseudo-Event -- Psychographics in Politics -- Psychology of Radio, the -- Public Address, Political -- Public Affairs, Communication in -- Public Broadcasting Service -- Public Communication in Politics -- Public Funding -- Public Journalism -- Public Opinion -- Public Relations, Political -- Public Service Broadcasting -- Public Sphere -- Pundits, Punditry -- Putin, Vladimir (1952- ) -- Quayle, Dan (1947- ) -- Rabin, Yitzhak (1922-1995) -- Race in Politics -- Radio, Politics and -- Radio Addresses -- Radio Free Europe -- Radio Political Advertising -- Rather, Dan (1931- ) -- Rawlings, Jerry (1947- ) -- Reagan, Nancy (1921- ) -- Reagan, Ronald (1911-2004) -- Red Lion Broadcasting Co. V. FCC -- Reedy, George -- Reeves, Rosser -- Referendum -- Reform Party -- Religion in Politics -- Religious Right -- Reporters without Borders -- Republican National Committee -- Republican Party -- Reputation in Politics -- Resonance Theory -- Responsive Chord, the -- Revolution, Political -- Rhetoric, Political -- Rhetoric, the -- Rhetorical Criticism -- Rice, Condoleezza (1954- ) -- Richards, Ann (1933-2006) -- Right-to-Life Movement -- Rivera, Geraldo (1943- ) -- Rock the Vote -- Rogers, Everett M. (1931-2004) -- Roosevelt, Eleanor (1884-1962) -- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (1882-1945) -- Royal Commission on the Press -- Ruby, Jack -- Russia, Democratization and Media -- Rwanda Genocide, Role of Media -- Sabato, Larry (1948- ) -- Salinger, Pierre -- Sanders, Keith R. (1939- ) -- Saturday Night Live -- Schemas, Political -- Schramm, Wilbur (1907-1987) -- Schroder, Gerhard (1944- ) -- Schroeder, Patricia (1940- ) -- Schulz, Winfried (1938- ) -- Schussel, Wolfgang (1945- ) -- Schwartz, Tony (1923- ) -- Schwarzenegger, Arnold (1947- ) -- Second-Order Election -- Segregation -- Selective Attention -- Selective Elaboration -- Selective Processes, Exposure, Perception, Memory -- Selling of the President 1968, the -- Senghor, Leopold Sedar (1906-2001) -- September 11 Attacks -- Sharon, Ariel (1928- ) -- Shaw, Donald -- Shield Laws -- Shriver, R. Sargent -- Simitis, Konstantinos (1936- ) -- Sleeper Effect -- Social Marketing -- Social Responsibility Theory -- Soft Money -- Soft News -- Solidarity Movement -- Sorensen, Theodore C. -- Sound Bite -- Speeches, Presidential -- Spiegel Affair -- Spin, Political -- Spin Alley -- Spin Doctor -- Spiral of Silence -- Starr, Kenneth -- Starr Report -- State of the Union Address -- Stephanopoulos, George (1961- ) -- Stevenson, Adlai (1900-1965) -- Stewart, Jon -- Strategic Communication -- Strauss, Franz Josef -- Stringer -- Supreme Court, Media and the -- Survey Research -- Survey Research Center -- Symbolic Convergence Theory -- Symbolic Uses of Politics, the -- Systems Theory -- Tabloids -- Talk Radio, Political -- Talk Shows, Television -- Tampa Incident -- Technodistortions -- Telecommunications Act of 1996 -- Television and Politics -- Television in Politics -- Television Political Advertising -- Terrorism and Media -- Testimonials, Political -- Thatcher, Margaret (1925- ) -- Third-Person Effect -- Thomas, Clarence -- Ticket Splitting -- Tripp, Linda -- Trippi, Joe (1956- ) -- Triumph of the Will -- Turnout, Voter -- Two-Step Flow Model of Communication -- Underground Media -- UNESCO Media Policy -- Unions, Political Activity -- United States Information Agency -- Unseeing Eye, the -- Uses and Gratifications Approach -- Uzan, Cem (1960- ) -- Vanderbilt Television News Archive -- Vargas, Getulio (1882-1954) -- Verbal Style -- Video Games, Political -- Videostyle -- Viguerie, Richard -- Virtuous Circle, A. -- Voice of America -- Voter Behavior -- Voter News Service -- Vranitzky, Franz (1937- ) -- Waldheim, Kurt -- Waldheim Affair -- Walesa, Lech (1943- ) -- Wallace, George (1919-1998) -- War Coverage -- War of the Worlds, the -- Warren Commission -- Washington Post, the -- Watergate -- Watts, J.C. (1957- ) -- Watts Riots -- Weaver, David H. (1947- ) -- Web Campaigning -- Web Site -- Webstyle -- Welfare Policy -- Wellstone, Paul (1944-2002) -- West Wing, the -- White House Press Corps -- Whitewater Scandal -- Why We Fight Series -- Will, George (1941- ) -- Willie Horton Ad -- Wilson, Harold (1916-1995) -- Wolfsfeld, Gadi (1951- ) -- Women Candidates, Advertising -- Women Candidates, News Coverage -- Woodward, Bob -- World Association for Public Opinion Research -- World Wide Web, Political Uses -- Yassine, Abdessalam (1928- ) -- Yellow Journalism -- Yeltsin, Boris (1941-2007) -- Youth Voting -- Zhelev, Zhelyu (1935- ) -- Zhivkov, Todor (1911-1998) -- Ziegler, Ronald.
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